Archive of ‘technology category’ category

Twitter Expert Connect Summary –

Recently on twitter I have followed some people that had similar hobby interest as I do and added them to a list, I wanted to learn more about them and the things they were posting so I did what anyone would do and asked them each a question.  I followed baking blogs because I love to bake and usually they write enough to where I know what they are talking about and what they are trying to say, I also followed some recipe pages just so I could get an idea of more things to bake, I even took a shot at Gordon Ramsay, that one I just did for fun because there was a very minimum chance he’d answer me but you’ll never know until you try.

If you look back a couple of blog post you’ll know I did this thing called a ‘ genius hour project ‘ and this twitter connect list is all based off of the new project I will be doing. These people I have followed and mentioned relate to my project because it is all based off of baking. I asked questions to help with my project so when and if they answer I can have reliable research and sources.

In my questions I was formal but got to the point, I said hello, I tagged them to the post and I asked my question but also letting them know I was doing a project so I did not come off so strong and creepy. Since i’m doing a project on baking I just asked them general questions in regards to what their favorite thing to bake is and why do they like or love to bake because everyone has different reasons and sometimes there’s a story behind that reason.

Going back to my genius hour project, their responses and feedback would basically help me set the whole base of the project together and keep building around it with the information I have. Up in the last paragraph I gave an example of one of my questions and asked ‘what is your favorite thing to bake’  and i’d want to know this because for one, whenever I want to bake I can try out new recipes and for my project I would like to be able to create one of their favorite dishes and bring it in as part of my presentation.

The results in the end were very slim but doing this is just more practice if In ever need to again and it also just gave me better things to google and research about. No one responded and no one followed me back but you and I have to remember to just be patient because they’re busy people just like us. If and when they do respond I will very much so continue the conversation because it is benefiting me with my research for my project and it’s beneficial for them knowing they have people who are interested in their posts and maybe gives them a good feeling and encourages them to keep tweeting and doing what they’re doing because they know some people really do take interest.

Using twitter is very helpful and a great way to connect with people. I would love to continue using this method because it gives you a chance to connect with people and get some good research in. There will most likely be more projects and if you have any and you need to research try searching up tags and people for that topic, you’ll be surprised. You don’t want to go to big though, cough cough Gordon Ramsay, but big enough to where you have a good chance of them noticing your tweets or answering your questions.

If you have ever used social media to help grow your knowledge and understanding for a project or just in general leave a comment below, or even if you think you might try this meathod. which social media would you use?


Kyla’s Blog  

Student Blog Challenge GH Reflection

22 November 2017

Genius Hour Reflection

Hello all,

in my Tech class we recently had a project to do called ‘ Genius Hour ‘ I did a lot of research but did not put it all in, if I have to say so myself I know for a fact that I did not put all of my effort into this project, which one should. I did try though and at the very least it was not horrible but I know for future references that i’m capable of doing better.-  Now if you aren’t too sure what that is here’s a brief explanation  


Genius Hour – genius hour is where we as a student pick a topic, make a topic question and research it.. over all we have to see if it has an impact on the world, if it is beneficial for us as students and we share it with the class.


For my Genius hour presentation I chose to do research on ‘Photography’, if you saw my blog post on dream jobs I briefly talked about photography, I took an interest in it because “photography is an art and anyone can do.  just seeing the world from a different perspective, seeing how the world changes around us and capturing a memory we can cherish forever. “

I wanted to know the purpose of photography, the general objective behind the whole photography industry and I learned quite a bit such as :


  • The first photograph was taken between the year 1826 – 1817 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.  – he invented one of the earliest kinds of photography – ‘ Heliography ‘
  • Photographers take photos to express how we feel as one does when they write
  • It tells a story, message or shows expression which the photographer may have been going for
  • If you look at an image in a way you can often tell right off the bat what the photographer is trying to say or show, almost every picture has a meaning and often times only really the photographer can tell you what it is actually supposed to represent because it is their work and us as the outsiders who look at the photos only really have ideas and assumptions of the photograph.


So as you can see I just got caught up on a little bit of history, maybe you already knew that or maybe you didn’t.  It really helped not just me but my peers get an idea of a photographer’s minds, I like taking pictures but I would not call myself a photographer. It really made me re-think all of my thoughts on photography because I just had my own basic understandings of it, I didn’t know all there is to know and I still don’t but I do have a better understanding of it.


This was the first of many projects we will be doing, in fact our class will be starting Genius Hour 2 soon and I kind of have an idea of what my topic will be but I know I have to step up my work and put all of my effort in, I feel as if my next topic will have the same affect on people, it will let them get a better understanding and see more to the topic than what it really is                                                                                                                                       



 Joseph Nicephore bibliography, 2017. Print.

Genius hour presentation, 2017. Print.

Top genres of photography, 2015. Print.

Purpose, 2017. Print




Let’s talk about school.. School is very important, it helps you build up the education you need for when you graduate and want to get a job. many people know what they want to be but I certainly do not. everything seems so interesting but nothing I could see myself doing over the years I have been going through some ideas but nothing that stuck. here are some of the things I  have wanted to be and maybe some of them interest you as well.

Things I have wanted to be when I finish school  –

  • A Photographer – Photography is an art and anyone can do it. Just seeing the world from a different perspective, seeing how the world changes around us and capturing a memory we can cherish forever. I enjoy photography and it may not be a career but it is a great hobby
  • A Journalist – I love to write, literally about anything whether it be about fairy tales or the importance of our world, i’ll find the time to write in any situation and won’t pass up an offer to write. Creating your own stories is a wonderful thing, you can make up anything you want to, share your life stories you can be anyone you want to be while writing a story and I hope to tie that in with whatever career my heart desires.
  • A Dentist – I was just going over different jobs and I came across this one, I took it into consideration for awhile but then I got the chance to go anywhere for ‘ Day On The Job ‘ at my old school, it was to get us prepared and to see if we actually enjoyed the job we chose and if we saw ourselves doing this in the future. I was thankful that our school provided day on the job because without it I wouldn’t really have a real idea of being a dentist, it made me realize that’s not what I really wanted to do. The bond with their patients and staff members are hilarious yet amazing but being there just didn’t suit me that well.
  • A Baker – Now this is really just a hobby, that I thought I wanted to turn into a career..  I am still thinking about it but i’m not so sure. I bake because I just want something sweet to eat and I enjoy doing it but when I want to..I like it but I don’t enjoy it as much when I am forced to. I also love to cook but I prefer baking because who doesn’t love sweets? I know I do.

Out of almost 15 years of living in this world those are really the only careers I have never really put more thought in this until recently. I made an observation in myself and realized that I love to help people, I love to help solve their problems and I love to give them advice so maybe I could do something a long the lines of that. Now I am looking into being a therapist because I could just sit and listen to peoples problems and try to help fix them. making a difference in someones life whether it be big or small is an amazing feeling, to know you helped them and help make a change for the better. I would love to find the time to look more into therapy because there is more to it than that but now that is my dream, or the career I want to pursue right now for when I graduate high school. Things might change but that’s okay there are tons of choices out in the world that I have yet to discover and put more thought into. Life is only moving forward and I have to start paying a lot more attention to this stuff.

Hopefully this gave you some ideas of maybe what you want to be when you are older or this is what you want to be, maybe you can just look into them see if it interest you. What’s your dream?  Leave a comment below what interest you and what your dream is after school, I can look into them and hey, you may have given me my career choice for after I finish school, you could also help others visiting this post by giving them some jobs to look over and to learn more about.


SBC4 – Activity 4 – Free Choice

photo by Kyla

                                             LITTLE BIT THE PIT BULL

my dog little bit is a brown and white Pit Bull. she’s just about five years old. she loves to play, and hop fences so we have to keep her put up most of the time. i’m not so sure as to why we named her that, she’s not little whatsoever. She doesn’t really listen to people and shes terrified of paper. it’s all a blur as to when we got her, i have a really bad memory though.

We got her for a bunch of different reasons but we picked her up from the humane society. Since this wild dog just loves to jump fences she likes to run away as well.. i can’t even keep count at this point. She once ran away and we thought the pound had got her but we still looked around our neighborhood for weeks, she’s like my best friend so i was so upset, i cried so much, i wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. I remember the day we found her, my dad had picked me up from school and said ” i have a surprise for you ” but i had just lost my dog and i was in no mood for surprises so i replied ” i don’t care ” not realizing that when we got to our house, opened up the front door Little Bit was sitting right there. i bent down on my knees and hugged her until we both fell over. Turns out this guy had her and finally saw our flyers so he called to let us know. It was a happy ending after all.

I don’t get to see Little Bit that much, just over the summers and holidays but when i do see her she gets so excited it makes my heart happy, i feel like that each year when i leave her she’d forget about me. She’s filled with so much energy, she does this thing where she raises one ear, brings down the other, sticks her tongue out, tilts her head and stares at you.. it’s so adorable . Most people think Pit Bulls are mean but they are actually sweethearts.


SCB3 – Activity 3 – The Girl -finish the story

                                                    The Girl

intro to a little short story to go along the lines of the picture, read it and maybe see if you can come up with an ending 🙂

One day there was a girl, she was 15 years old, brunette, blue eyes, 5’3 and she had just moved to Missouri, it was a big change for her because she left her former friends, her family and everything she had been working for. She was highly upset with her parents, didn’t speak to them for a week after they have arrived but she knew that’d soon have to change. She spent sleepless nights drowning in her own tears, looking back on old memories and thinking about how much she despised her parents for moving her away from everything and everyone back in Florida. when she did sleep she’d be crying in her dreams, the tears just never went away no matter where she was or what she was doing.

on September 25th 2020 the girl attended to ” Williams Missourian High ” it was huge and modern, people smiled, waved and looked at her in an odd way. she thought “well i’m the new kid i guess this isn’t a surprise” but they continued to stare, whispering to their friends, pointing and laughing so she head towards the bathroom in tears but when she opened the door she had smacked another girl right in the face, later on to find out that was the biggest mistake she could’ve made not just because she felt bad but because the girl was at the top of the popularity list, blonder hair, blue eyes, 5’6. her name was Emily Williams.. yes, her great grandfather founded the school in the early 1900’s. Everyone was afraid of her but yet was under some kind of spell almost. So when Emily regained vision after being slammed in the face with a door she screamed at the top of her lungs ” you’ll regret this day you little stubborn idiotic new kid, you’ll regret it ” and walked away heading for her locker, which by the way you couldn’t miss it’s pretty well decorated, as she opened it up she starred into the locker mirror powdering her nose and giving a death stare right towards the ‘ new girl ‘