Archive of ‘feedback’ category

SBC8 – Activity 2 – Game 2

hello all,

so this week’s blog challenge is all about games, who doesn’t love games am I right? they aren’t just your ordinary games.. it is kind of like a couple weeks ago where we went and visited others. this is really helpful and beneficial to not only us writing but also the people we give feedback too.. why? well simply because when bloggers read others posts it gives us ideas and also helps us learn a lot. a lot of the time they will write about something and you say to yourself ‘ oh I know what, there is no need to read this ‘ but what you do not know is that you are actually wrong. often times we do write about basic stuff but we go into more detail, we tell you more about it, often times more than you know or ever thought of knowing about it. as for leaving feedback on others posts it encourages them to keep on posting, they see that we like their posts so therefore they make more for us to read.. often times very enjoyable. so the benefits are mutual, it helps both ends but back to the game..

I chose Game 2.. game two is where we go on the flipboard magazine and visit three people, read their posts and give a comment then report back to our blog post.. I love exploring others so I thought it’d be fun because I could share with you as well.

one of the blog posts caught my eye.. credits to Nooks blog. it was called ‘ why are french fries called french fries ? ‘ and when I had come across it I was wondering the same thing because I love french fries, most people love french fries. if we love them we should at least know a little more about them. I’m not gonna spill all of the details you can go head over to her blog. if you follow mrs w she has a link to the flipboard magazine and you could find it on there. but she put in a lot of interesting facts and made it well worth reading. if you like french fries or you are just wondering the same thing then you will certainly want to read it. Image result for french fries

The other half of the game was commenting on their blog posts.. I left a few comments but on the one on Nooks blog I made a theory about the french fries and used a well known saying ‘ you are what you eat ‘ have you ever heard of that saying? well anyones I was just trying to stir up a conversation and make it a little more interesting, I also let her know that the post was very interesting and I hope to read more of her blog posts, some of her other ones caught my eye as well but I just chose this one. maybe you guys as well could go read her post and leave a thoughtful comment.

Now if you have made it this far I just want to say that the challenges will be still going on but as for my class this will be our last week of blogging, I hope to still blog outside of class time and maybe do some challenges, or just make some friendly blog posts..

let me know in the comments below what you would be interested in reading and I will certainly find the time to make a post on all of your recommendations, but please be respectful and patient as I have other work to be done. thank you all for taking the time to read through and leave your feedback on my posts, look forward to the next blog post!

did you research or go to nooks blog and find out more?

again, what would you be interested in reading?

do you like french fries?

leave your answers down below and i’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

  • happy blogging 🙂