SBC6 – Visiting Others

Kyla’s Blog

Viewing others work

November 2017



              Alicia’s Blog Post

I have really enjoyed Alicia’s Blog post, I found it very helpful because I tend to struggle with organizing especially for other people. the stress gets to me and I eventually just give up but thanks to her post I can try out some of these ideas! It is a good thing my birthday is just around the corner so I can try some of these tips out.

My ideal party would be having all of my friends over, having a good time. Watching movies, ordering some pizza, playing games and just catching up with my friends. With my family we really do not have a specific type of game, we just pull out all of our many board games and just enjoy the night, it is a good way to bond with your family.   

Image result for board games

  • eastbrooklyn  

I think the one thing I would really need to organize is the food, some people cancel, sometimes more people show up than expected so i’d have to make sure I have the perfect amount of food. also, I have to go around making sure no one is allergic and that I have food everyone will enjoy so it can be a tough task.

Image result for donuts - food angel

AngelFood, 2017. Print.

Questions.. –

what are some things you like to do at a party?

what do you and  your family bond over?

can you relate to any of this?

make sure to leave a comment below and go check out alcia’s post for more information!


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